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Hikari connection pool does not recover from sql error : current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

I am using the below function to execute a transaction of the for BEGIN; QUERY 1; QUERY 2; COMMIT

  def transform(transformFile: String): Unit = {
    val db = PostgresqlHikari.db
    try {
      val dbConfig = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("db.dwh")
      val schema = dbConfig.getString("schema")"Set connection schema ----> " + schema)

      val query = Source.fromResource("transformation/" + transformFile + ".sql")
      val preparedStatement: PreparedStatement = db.prepareStatement(query)
    } catch {
      case ex: Throwable ⇒
          logger.error(s"Error while processing $transformFile. Detailed error log ---" + ex.toString)

When there is no sql error, it runs fine. But, if I encounter an error, the actor just stops processing. The error that I continously get is :

  org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

If I restart the service, it again starts processing correctly until the next query error occurs.

I am using the Hikari connection pool.


  • The actor uses the db connection to execute a transaction. Now, if there is a sql error, the connection should rollback the changes. There are only 2 path to end a sql transaction, either commit or rollback.

    I added the rollback logic in my catch block and now the error is not occurring any longer:

      def transform(transformFile: String): Unit = {
        val db = PostgresqlHikari.db
        try {
          val dbConfig = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("db.dwh")
          val schema = dbConfig.getString("schema")
"Set connection schema ----> " + schema)
          val query = Source.fromResource("transformation/" + transformFile + ".sql")
          val preparedStatement: PreparedStatement = db.prepareStatement(query)
        } catch {
          case ex: Throwable ⇒
              logger.error(s"Error while processing $transformFile. Detailed error log ---" + ex.toString)
              val rollback: PreparedStatement = db.prepareStatement("rollback;")