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C# add Quick Table (Building Block) in Word

I created a Quick Table as a table template in my template dotx. I would like to create a Quick Table programmatically. is that possible?

Currently I use an existing table as template and copy its properties to the new table (see code).

object oTemplate = "D:\\Templates\\tables.dotx";
Word._Document doc = word.Documents.Add(oTemplate, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);

// Copy first table as template
Word.Table tableTemplate = doc.Tables[1];
Word.Range rangeCopy = tableTemplate.Range;


// Reuse table template for new tables

object oMissing = Missing.Value;
var newTable = doc.Tables.Add(range, 1, 1, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);

The problem is that the dummy table is not deleted by the pasting, but moved downwards.


  1. Create a Building Block in the template file (tables.dotx in my case)
  2. Load the Building Block in C#
  3. Insert into range

var template = (Word.Template)doc.get_AttachedTemplate();

Word.BuildingBlock objBB = template.BuildingBlockEntries.Item("MyCustomBlock");

objBB.Insert(range, true);


  • The "Quick Tables" in the Insert > Table > Drop Down > Quick Table list are Building Blocks. They can also be found in Insert > Text > Quick Parts > Building Block Organizer, in the Tables gallery. This means these tables are stored in the user profile's Building Blocks template and should be part of a standard installation.

    The basic (VBA) code to insert a built-in (installed as part of Office) Building Block is:

        Application.Templates( _
        "C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\14\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx" _
        ).BuildingBlockEntries("Calendar 2").Insert Where:=Selection.Range, _

    And for C#

    Word.Template objTmpl = wdApp.Templates[@"C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\14\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx"];
    Word.BuildingBlock objBB = objTmpl.BuildingBlockEntries.Item("Calendar 2");
    objBB.Insert(rng, true);

    If it's uncertain that this template will have been installed, or installed to a specific file path, then the more certain approach would be to save the table as a Building Block in the template being distributed as part of VSTO solution. That's simply a matter of selecting the table then using Insert > Text > Quick Parts > Save selection to Quick Part Gallery. In the dialog box be sure to select the template from the Save in list as the default could well be the installation template with the building blocks.

    To insert a Building Block in the template from which a document was created (the "attached template"):

    Word.Template objTmpl = (Word.Template)doc.get_AttachedTemplate();