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ComboBox cannot convert from KeyValuePair to Integer

I am getting a DataBinding error where my ComboBox are binded to a KeyValuePair list and the value stored to the DataBase is an integer.

How do I go about converting it?

Here is my code so far:

Private Sub SetupeCombo()
     Dim comboSource = New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String))

     For Each o In _List
          comboSource.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of Integer,String)(o.ID, o.Details))

     comboBox1.DisplayMember = NameOf(Table.Details)
     comboBox1.ValueMember =  NameOf(Table.ID)
     comboBox1.DataSource = New BindingSource(comboSource, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub BindComboBox()
     Dim comboBoxBindings = comboBox1.DataBindings.Add(NameOf(ComboBox.SelectedValue), dataSource, NameOf(dataSource.ID), True, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, String.Empty)        
     AddHandler comboBoxBindings.BindingComplete, AddressOf comboBoxBindings _BindingComplete
End Sub
Private Sub comboBoxBindings_BindingComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As BindingCompleteEventArgs)
      If e.BindingCompleteState <> BindingCompleteState.Success Then MessageBox.Show("Test: " & e.ErrorText)
End Sub


Test: Value[1, TestValue] cannot be converted to a type 'ID'


  • Finally resolved the issue by using a custom ComboBox Class. Inside my DTO I created a String property which returns a combined value of ID (Integer) and Description (String).

    Using this property I was able to set the DisplayMember and the ValueMember was set to the ID field which the DataBinding also used. So no casting was required in the end.


    Public Class ComboBox
        Public Property Details As String
        Public Property ID As Integer
        Public ReadOnly Property Display() As String
                Return $"{ID}: {Details}"
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class

    And after modifying my SetupCombo method.

    Private Sub SetupeCombo()
         Dim comboSource = _list.Select(Function(x) New CombBox With{
                                      .ID = x.ID, 
                                      .Details = x.Details})
         comboBox1.DisplayMember = NameOf(ComboBox.Display)
         comboBox1.ValueMember =  NameOf(ComboBox.ID)
         comboBox1.DataSource = comboSource
    End Sub

    Finally my DataBinding

    Public Sub BindComboBox()
         Dim comboBoxBindings = comboBox1.DataBindings.Add(NameOf(ComboBox.SelectedValue), dataSource, NameOf(ComboBox.ID), True, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, String.Empty)        
         AddHandler comboBoxBindings.BindingComplete, AddressOf comboBoxBindings _BindingComplete
    End Sub