I want to play sound using pyglet
in a mayavi animation loop, but I found that pyglet
worked not well with 'yield', which has to use in a mayavi animation. The situation is that, it just can't start a new loop when the sound played and animation done once, here are some of my codes, any ideas?
The pyglet
can play sound in a for-loop, but can't use yield
def animate():
f = mlab.gcf()
while True:
for i in range(frames_num):
# update sound
sound = 'shiping/shiping_%d.wav'%i
sound_adjust = pyglet.resource.media(sound, streaming=False)
# update scene
print('Update scene >>', time.time())
# with out 'yield' it works well
Any other modules suggest can also be accepted. The matter is that I need to update sound quickly within 20ms.
I at last solved this by using winsound
module. Using
winsound.PlaySound(sound, winsound.SND_FILENAME | winsound.SND_ASYNC)
to replace
sound_adjust = pyglet.resource.media(sound, streaming=False)
to play defined sound asynchronously. Off course you have to import winsound
at the very beginning.