I have tensorflow freezed model from which TensorRT engine is produced.
I can't retrain model since I don't have all those required images.
But Tensorflow process has some post processing layers and I like to add into TensorRT engine.
What would be the best approach?
Can I create plugin layer using TensorRT layers?
Those Tensorflow layers are mostly available in TensorRT as follows.
self.tensor_heatMat_up = tf.image.resize_area(self.tensor_output[:, :, :, :19], self.upsample_size,
align_corners=False, name='upsample_heatmat')
self.tensor_pafMat_up = tf.image.resize_area(self.tensor_output[:, :, :, 19:], self.upsample_size,
align_corners=False, name='upsample_pafmat')
if trt_bool is True:
smoother = Smoother({'data': self.tensor_heatMat_up}, 25, 3.0, 19)
smoother = Smoother({'data': self.tensor_heatMat_up}, 25, 3.0)
gaussian_heatMat = smoother.get_output()
max_pooled_in_tensor = tf.nn.pool(gaussian_heatMat, window_shape=(3, 3), pooling_type='MAX', padding='SAME')
self.tensor_peaks = tf.where(tf.equal(gaussian_heatMat, max_pooled_in_tensor), gaussian_heatMat,
TensorRT has scale for resize_area, conv for Smoother. Not sure tf.equal in TensorRT.
How to addin those layers to TensorRT? Possible to use graphsurgeon or UFF model?
The following steps add a custom plugin layer in C++ for TensorFlow networks:
Call the UFF converter with the preprocess -p flag set. This will generate a UFF file with the TensorFlow operations replaced by TensorRT plugin nodes.
convert-to-uff frozen_inference_graph.pb -p config.py -t
Run the pre-processed and converted UFF file with TensorRT using the UFF parser. For details, see Using Custom Layers When Importing A Model From A Framework. The Object Detection With A TensorFlow SSD Network sample illustrates how to add a custom layer that is not supported in UFF using C++. See config.py in the sample folder for a demonstration of how to pre-process the graph.
Although the C++ API is the preferred language to implement custom layers; due to easily accessing libraries like CUDA and cuDNN, you can also work with custom layers in Python applications. You can follow Adding Custom Layers Using The Python API guide.