My Question is based on this answer GLSL reusable/shared functions, shared constants (OpenGL ES 2.0)?
If I can create a common Shader where is the limit ? Can I write in this common shader Uniform variables ? What is the max amount of common shaders that I can attach to on spezific one ? Increase this Performance ?
Is it recommend ? Anyone experience with this ?
EDIT: In my OpenGL Implementation I have some shaders that extends other shaders. Would it be possible without performance loss to get rid of the duplicate code ?
An example
ShaderC extends ShaderB extends ShaderA. Each of them is loading some uniform variables. Would it be good practice if I create a commonShaderB.glsl and a commonShaderA.glsl and attach them to the program from shaderC to avoid duplicate glsl code ?
Can I write in this common shader Uniform variables ?
What is the max amount of common shaders that I can attach to on spezific one ?
There is no limit on the number of shaders you can attach to a shader program. However, there are limits on the number of instructions, uniform variables, and attributes. It is unlikely that you hit any of these limits with a reasonably designed shader.
Increase this Performance ?
If I can create a Comon Shader where is the limit ? Is it recommend ? Anyone experience with this ?
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