I’d like to apply this test on the percent daily returns of SPY. After getting historical data of this symbol from Yahoo, I calculate the percent daily returns (as you can see on the below code). But when I apply the test the P value is always “1.00” and the return of the stats is always “nan”. No matter if I change the data dates or if I change the symbol (for example, QQQ instead SPY)
Below you can see the code that I’m using:
from datetime import date
import pandas_datareader as dr
from scipy.stats import shapiro
df = dr.data.get_data_yahoo('spy',start='2010-01-01',end='2015-01-01')
df['PCT'] = df['Close'].pct_change()
stat, p = shapiro(df['PCT'])
print('Statistics=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p))
Unfortunately I have tried different things but I couldn’t find the solution. I am stuck with it. Any idea about how to apply it correctly on the PCT column data? Any help will be more than welcome! Thanks!
Step 1: "when I apply the test the P value is always “
” and the return of the stats is always “nan
No, sir, it is not.
print( 'Statistics\n(W)= %e,\n p = %e' % ( stat, p ) ) # will produce:
(W)= 9.438160e-01
p = 1.909053e-21
The core issue is, to respect how things work:
>>> df['PCT'] = df['Close'].pct_change() # this computes & stores .pct_change()
>>> df # read print( df['Close'].pct_change.__doc__ )
High ... Close Volume Adj Close PCT
2010-01-04 113.389999 ... 113.330002 118944600.0 93.675278 NaN
2010-01-05 113.680000 ... 113.629997 111579900.0 93.923241 0.002647
2010-01-06 113.989998 ... 113.709999 116074400.0 93.989357 0.000704
2010-01-07 114.330002 ... 114.190002 131091100.0 94.386139 0.004221
2010-01-08 114.620003 ... 114.570000 126402800.0 94.700218 0.003328
Here, obviously, due to period == 1
the cell df['PCT'][0]
is and must be NaN
So, rather call W_stat, p_value = shapiro( df['PCT'][1:] )
not to include a value that has no meaning w.r.t. the shapiro()
print( shapiro.__doc__ ) # for more details
Comparing values to the reference sample - the normal distribution test, where there are no NaN
-s causes straight a must to reject the null-hypothesis at being p == 1
an absolutely sure rejection ( which was obviously correct from the point of view of the two "incomparable-due-to-NaN
(s)" sets compared ).
{ SPY | QQQ | AAPL | AMZN | ... }
:>>> shapiro( dr.data.get_data_yahoo( 'SPY',
start = '2010-01-01',
end = '2015-01-01'
(0.943816065788269, 1.9090532861060437e-21)
>>> shapiro( dr.data.get_data_yahoo( 'QQQ',
start = '2010-01-01',
end = '2015-01-01'
(0.9631340503692627, 2.548133516564297e-17)
>>> shapiro( dr.data.get_data_yahoo( 'AAPL',
start = '2010-01-01',
end = '2015-01-01'
(0.9560988545417786, 5.674560331738808e-19)
>>> shapiro( dr.data.get_data_yahoo( 'AMZN',
start = '2010-01-01',
end = '2015-01-01'
(0.9394155740737915, 3.106424182886848e-22)