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How to display values with zero frequency on plotly histogram x-axis?

I have the simple dataframe d below and I want to create a histogram based on the frequency of its values. I am trying to set the inital value as 0 and then display the values in the x-axis by 5 but neither of those seems to work since values begin from 1 and then display 8. I found out that this happens because my dataframe does not have 2 and 3 as values so the counting stops at 1 and begings from 4 until 8 because my dataframe includes 4,5,6,7,8 as values so the counting stops normally.

The solutions might be 2. The first one to find a way to display values with zero frequency on the axis and the second to set the correct tick formating without those values on the axis.

I would prefer a clear plotly solution on this as first choice, without ggplot() interference.

enter image description here

x <- list(


# Create the plotly histogram

plot_ly(alpha = 0.9) %>%
  add_histogram(x = as.factor(d[,1]),source="subset") %>%
  # Add titles in plot and axes
  layout(barmode = "overlay",xaxis=x,margin=list(b=100))


  • There is a trick, using categoryorder = "array" and categoryarray = x_axis_values in xaxis layout. With these you can manually set the values that xaxis will contain.

    I had modified a little your example of code, but this should do the trick:

    # yours data
    d = c(1,5,7,5,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,13)
    # Create the plotly histogram
    plot_ly(alpha = 0.9) %>%
      add_histogram(x = as.character(d)
                    ) %>%
      # Add titles in plot and axes
      layout(barmode = "overlay",
             # Set the xaxis values
                        categoryarray = as.character(min(d):max(d))

    Here the output:

    enter image description here