I am using GitLab 7.7.2 and tried to remove Tag in a repository in GitLab. I could remove tag in a local repository but cannot remove tag in origin. How do I remove tag in GitLab repository?
$ git tag -d Tag_AAA
Deleted tag 'Tag_AAA' (was d10bff2)
$ git push --delete origin Tag_AAA
remote: GitLab: You don't have permission
To git@git.aaa.bbb.ccc:root/Repository.git
! [remote rejected] Tag_AAA (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@git.aaa.bbb.ccc:root/Repository.git'
Now (GitLab 12.1, July 2019), a developer can remove a (non-protected) tag (not just a maintainer or owner)
See "Developer role can rewrite/remove Git tags"
Git tags are useful for referencing specific points and are typically used for tagging specific versioned releases.
To make git tags easier to use by development teams, we’re adding the ability to allow Developers to rewrite and remove non-protected tags.
Protected tags still require Maintainer or Owner permissions.
The permission matrix has been updated.
See issue 52954.