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accessing bull-queue to view job stats from nodejs

I need to access bull-queue to view job stats and show on the page. I'm using bull-repl to access the queue from CLI, as follows:

> bull-repl 
BULL-REPL> connect marathon reddis://localhost:6379
Connected to reddis://localhost:6379, queue: marathon
BULL-REPL | marathon> stats
│  (index)  │ Values │
│  waiting  │   0    │
│  active   │   0    │
│ completed │   55   │
│  failed   │   1    │
│  delayed  │   0    │
│  paused   │   0    │

I'm trying to do the same thing from JS with the following code:

const shell = require('shelljs');
const ccommandExistsSync = require('command-exists').sync;

function installBullRepl(){
    } else{
        shell.exec('npm i -g bull-repl');

function queueStats(){
    let stats;

    shell.exec('bull-repl'); // launch `bull-repl`
    shell.exec('connect marathon reddis://localhost:6379'); // connect to redis instance
    stats = shell.exec(`stats`); // display count of jobs by groups

    return stats;


The first shell.exec runs, launching bull-repl, but the rest of the code that needs to be run inside the tool never executes, I assume it's because the shelljs runs each command independently. How can I get the last two commands to run within the tool?


  • Queue#getJobCounts

    getJobCounts() : Promise<JobCounts>

    Returns a promise that will return the job counts for the given queue.

      interface JobCounts {
        waiting: number,
        active: number,
        completed: number,
        failed: number,
        delayed: number

    To connect to the queue in Redis db and return and number of jobs by state do the following.

    const Queue = require('bull');
    const marathonQueue = new Queue('marathon', 'redis://');
    marathonQueue.getJobCounts().then(res => console.log('Job Count:\n',res));