i want to add a special favorite to my storage, i can add the number of favorites I want to my storage but i want only 1 is my top favorite ! There is an image to underline you my mind !
I want to be able to store as many as one favorite (qualify by the house) and the others are normal favorites (hearts). I show you some code and explain it better.
getItems(ev) {
var val = ev.target.value;
if (val && val.trim() != '') {
this.storageService.getFavorites().then(favorites => {
this.favorites = this.favorites.filter((favorite) => {
return (favorite.adresse.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1);
@ViewChild('mylist') mylist: IonList;
addFavorite(adresse: string, lat: string, lon: string) {
this.newFavorite.adresse = adresse.replace(/[, ]+/g, " ").trim()
this.newFavorite.lat = lat
this.newFavorite.lon = lon
this.newFavorite.modified = false;
this.newFavorite.id = Date.now();
this.storageService.addFavorite(this.newFavorite).then(favorite => {
this.newFavorite = <Favorite>{};
this.showToast('Favorite added!');
addFavoriteHome(adresse: string, lat: string, lon: string) {
this.newFavorite.adresse = adresse.replace(/[, ]+/g, " ").trim()
this.newFavorite.lat = lat
this.newFavorite.lon = lon
this.newFavorite.modified = true;
this.newFavorite.id = Date.now();
this.storageService.addFavorite(this.newFavorite).then(favorite => {
this.newFavorite = <Favorite>{};
this.showToast('Favorite added!')
You can see on this code, when i add a new favorite home, its add this.newFavorite.modified = true;
and it is false
for normal favorites.
I can easy add a new and delete it but i want to put a limit, i want only one object can have this.newFavorite.modified = true;
<ion-list mode="md" #mylist>
<div *ngFor="let favorite of favorites">
<ion-item mode="md">
<ion-label text-wrap>
<h3 routerLink="/home/{{favorite.adresse}}">{{ favorite.adresse | slice:0:30 }}...</h3>
<img *ngIf="favorite.modified" (click)="addFavoriteHome(favorite)" src="../../assets/icon/home-full.svg" style="width: 35px;" alt="">
<img *ngIf="!favorite.modified" (click)="addFavorite(favorite)" src="../../assets/icon/home.svg" style="width: 35px;" alt="">
<ion-icon name="heart" (click)="deleteAlert(favorite)" end></ion-icon>
I did a forEach method to update all favorite 1 by 1, and it works !
this.favorites.forEach((favorites, index) => {
if (favorites.modified == true) {
favorites.modified = false
this.storageService.getFavorites().then(favorites => {
this.favorites = favorites;