Good day,New to nasm here. This is run in win32(org 0x100). Want to display the modulus remainder next to mess4 "the remainder is:" after the input(1-9) was given and if 7 or 8 or 9 then give the remainder from modulus. Another problem is that still getting use to syntax so my "cmp" from input to 7(also 8 and 9 as 7 can divide into 8,9 and has remainder 1,2) catches on input values 1 and 2 as this is the same as remainder after dividing 8 and 9 with 7 has remainder 1 and 2 so gives a false reading. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Tried changing and moving in registrars to no avail.
Update: i'm able to display remainder on screen, only issue is to get appropriate call when dividing 7 so that it only calls 'isdiv' when value 7,8,9 is given.
bits 16
org 0x100 ; start offset at memory position 100
jmp main ; jump to main program
; Data definitions
mess1: db 'Input any number (1 - 9)', 0dh,0ah,'$'
mess2: db 'The number is divisible by 7',0dh,0ah,'$'
mess3: db 'The number is not a divisible by 7',0dh,0ah,'$'
mess4: db 'The remainder is: ',0ah, 0dh,'$' ;Not sure
errmess: db '**',0dh,0ah,'$'
crlf: db 0dh,0ah, '$'
; Display a string on the screen
; DX contains the address of the string
mov ah,09
int 21h
;Display the remainder
mov dx,mess4
call display
; Set the cursor position
mov ah,02
mov bh,0 ; screen number mov
mov dh,05h ; row
mov dl,0 ; column
int 10h
; Display a user prompt
mov dx,mess1
call display
; Read one character from the keyboard
mov ah,01
int 21h
; Clear screen and change screen colour
mov ah,06 ; scroll up screen
mov al,0 ; lines to scroll where 0 clear entire screen
mov cx,0 ; starting row:column
mov dl,80 ; ending row;column
mov dh,80
mov bh,00011110b ; colour: yellow on blue
int 10h
; Carriage returnm and line feed
mov dx,crlf
call display
; Main program
call screen
call cursor
call prompt
call input
cmp al,'1' ; character < 1?
jl error ; yes, error message
cmp al,'9' ; character > 9?
jg error ; yes, error message
sub al,30h ; convert from ASCII to numeric
xor ah,ah ; clear AH
mov bl,7
idiv bl ; divide by 7
mov ch,ah
;cmp ah,0 ; remainder = n0?
je isdiv ; yes: divisible by 7
call newline
mov dx,mess3 ; not divisible by 7
call display
jmp fin
call newline
mov dx,mess2
call display ; divisible by 7
call remainder
add ch,30h
mov dl,ch
mov ah,2h
int 21h
int 20h ; terminate program
; Display error message. Number out of range
mov dx,errmess
call display
jmp next
added mov cl,al ;to copy initial input for later use at cmp cl,7 and use jge isdiv to display remainder. this solved my issue.