I want to switch from Jsch to Apache Mina to query remote Linux hosts and to get the few tasks done. I need to achieve things like list files of a remote host, change directory, get file contents, put a file into the remote host etc.,
I am able to successfully connect and execute a few shell commands using session.executeRemoteCommand().
public byte[] getRemoteFileContent(String argDirectory, String fileName)
throws SftpException, IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
StringBuilder cmdBuilder = new StringBuilder("cat" + SPACE + remoteHomeDirectory);
_session.executeRemoteCommand(cmdBuilder.toString(), stdout, null, null);
return stdout.toByteArray();
public void connect()
throws IOException {
_client = SshClient.setUpDefaultClient();
ConnectFuture connectFuture = _client.connect(_username, _host, portNumber);
_session = connectFuture.getSession();
shellChannel = _session.createShellChannel();
// TODO : fix timeout
_channel.waitFor(ccEvents, 200);
I have the following questions,
I needed sshd-sftp and its APIs to get the file transfer work. Below code gets the proper API, sftpClient = SftpClientFactory.instance().createSftpClient(clientSession); On sftpClinet I called read() and write() methods get the task done. This answers my question fully.