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How to use th:classapend if a form error on another field exists?

Using Thymeleaf, I want to append a CSS class to a div in a row if a specific error div (reserved for a form input error) is not visible.

I'm using Bootstrap 4, and it's grid system. I tried some column offset to bring the corresponding error divs into their right position. You may think of a map with one input field for the key and one for the value. The input fields for single map entries (key-value pairs) appear in a row, and the divs for the error messages o a row below these input fields. I have a few different cases: * error in the key input field (e.g., duplicate, or empty key) plus error in the value input field (here I use just two col-6 Bootstrap classes) - no trouble with this case, here I only use columns with the same width as the input fields * error in only the key input field - also no problem, as all is left aligned * error in just the value input field - here, I want to use a column offset CSS class, which will depend on the fact that there is no input error on the key

<form ...>
  <div th:each="item, iter: ${}">

    <div class="input-group control-group mt-1">
      <input th:field="${[__${iter.index}__].key}"
      <input th:field="${[__${iter.index}__].value}"

    <div class="row invalid-feedback">
      <div class="col-6"
      <div class="col-6"
      <!-- I've been trying something like the following for the value
        th:classappend="${[__${iter.index}__].key == null ? offset-sm-6 : ''}"

The view should look something like the following in case the key does not have any errors, but the value field has some error

| input key      | input value      |
|                | error message    |


  • After doing some further research, I was able to solve this with #fields.hasErrors on the left column property part (see the line with th:classappend:

    <form ...>
      <div th:each="item, iter: ${}">
        <div class="input-group control-group mt-1">
          <input th:field="${[__${iter.index}__].key}"
          <input th:field="${[__${iter.index}__].value}"
        <div class="row invalid-feedback">
          <div class="col-6"
          <div class="col-6"
            th:classappend="${#fields.hasErrors('${[__${iter.index}__].key}') ? '' : 'offset-sm-6'}"