I have been working on getting some information on changes made against a certain Amazon Cognito user.
However, I'm only able to fetch details specific to the Authentication flow, but now I want to fetch some user update details, for example, lets say if a user was disabled then enabled again, or if a user updates their phone number or something like that. As an admin I would want to see what has been changed or at what time was a certain change made for auditing purpose. I'm not able to find out a way how this can be achieved.
Could someone please help me out with this?
I believe you can achieve this using Cognito Streams with Kinesis streams. Once a data change happens, Cognito streams will publish the change to Kinesis streams and you can analyse data using Kinesis Streams.
More info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-streams.html