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SQL Query to segregate the data

My data set is as follows: which Indicates the movement of transport where T Indicates it is moving, F Indicates it is Stationary

I want the data to classify as follows for further analysis. Need to derive the Class based on the column Moving and should be counted from 0 and when the moving value changes from T to F then again recounted from F from 0. Next column ID is to group the Moving Set values from 0 to Increment level.




  • You can use Common Table Expression to achieve your goal:

    First, you have to order your data by the movement date, and you can use ROW_NUMBER:

    Here a sample request:

    ;WITH orderedMovements AS
        SELECT [Date], [Moving], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY [Date] ASC) AS [RowNum]
        FROM [dbo].[movements]
    ), completedMovements AS
        SELECT omo.[Date], omo.[Moving], 0 AS [Class], 0 AS [Id], omo.[RowNum] AS [RowNumBis]
        FROM orderedMovements omo
        WHERE [RowNum] = 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT omo.[Date], omo.[Moving], IIF(cmo.[Moving] = omo.[Moving], cmo.[Class] + 1, 0) AS [Class], IIF(cmo.[Moving] = omo.[Moving], cmo.[Id], cmo.[Id] + 1) AS [Id], omo.[RowNum]
        FROM orderedMovements omo
                JOIN completedMovements cmo ON omo.[RowNum] = cmo.[RowNumBis] + 1
    SELECT [Date], [Moving], [Class], [Id]
    FROM completedMovements