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Multiple authors delimiter

How can I change the delimiter in case of multiple authors (preferably) in the visual CSL editor.

Currently, the inline citation is as follows:

(Hawking 1966; Nußholz & Whalen 2019)

What I want is to replace & with ,:

(Hawking 1966; Nußholz, Whalen 2019)

I cannot find the respective field in the visual code editor. When searching through the code in the code editor, I found &only four times and I think none of the instances is related to what I want to change.

I've also tried to place the following code (as explained here) into my style but it is not working:

<names variable="author">
  <name form="short" delimiter="/"/>


  • It's a little hard to answer this without seeing the style in questions, but in basic terms what you need to do is to completely remove and="symbol" from the name element for the in text citation.

    In the visual editor, you'd click on the names of the in-text citation at the top right, then click on "Name" at the top left, and then in the bottom right find "and" (the second from the top under "Name" and set it from symbol to empty.