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Input Environment Variables not being read

I am attempting to use an environment variable in my terraform file. I ran the following command in my development environment:

echo $TF_VAR_source_ami

Here are the contents for

variable "source_ami" {
  type        = "string"
  description = "AMI to copy this account"

data "aws_ami" "ami_to_be_shared" {
  owners      = ["self"]
  most_recent = true

  filter {
    name   = "image-id"
    values = ["${var.source_ami}"]

output "ami_creation_date" {
  value = "${data.aws_ami.ami_to_be_shared.tags.AMICoreEngDate}"

When I run terraform plan, it prompts me for var.source_ami however, when I run terraform apply -var="source_ami=ami-048 e57a7474e7284d" it works.

I have also tried declaring the variable without a type and description.

Additional information:

Thank you for any help!


  • you need export the variable.

    export TF_VAR_source_ami=ami-048e57a7474e7284d

    or run as one line

    TF_VAR_source_ami=ami-048e57a7474e7284d terraform plan

    Take a further read on this Defining a variable with or without export