how are u doin?
So, i've been working in a new project for the company where I work.
We are going to develop a SDK to give to our third-party developers classes so they can build components to run in our application.
I want to write an ABSTRACT CLASS so I could force the developers to implement some methods.
How can I do this?
I was thinking about create a PURE TYPESCRIPT CLASS to build the ABSTRACT CLASS and then inherit it in my COMPONENT CLASS...
Something like:
abstract class AbstractClass {
public abstract abstractMethod(): void
But how can I make this work with a vue component class?
can be used to define Vue components as TypeScript classes but it has a limitation regarding abstract classes.
Depending on how abstract methods are supposed to be used, additional checks can be added to enforce their implementation in children components, e.g.:
interface IFooComponent {
bar(): void;
class BaseFooComponent extends Vue {
['bar' as string]() {
throw new Error('not implemented');
// `implements` causes compilation error
class FooComponent extends BaseFooComponent implements IFooComponent {
// bar() {}
mounted() {; // causes both compilation and runtime error