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HTML code for Angular material table of contents

I am in the process of creating a long HTML page. I was interested in adding a table of contents just like in angular material however I cannot find any documentation on it anywhere. This is type of table of contents I'm looking for:

Angular Table of Contents(

I have seen some npm alternatives but I'm not interested in those.

The code for the angular table of contents is as follows:

<table-of-contents container=".mat-drawer-content" _nghost-lwx-c20="" class="ng-star-inserted">
          <div _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" class="docs-toc-container ng-star-inserted">
            <div _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" class="docs-toc-heading">Contents</div>
            <nav _ngcontent-lwx-c20="">
              <!----><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#connecting-a-datepicker-to-an-input"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Connecting a datepicker to an input </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#setting-the-calendar-starting-view"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Setting the calendar starting view </a><a
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Watching the views for changes on selected years and
                months </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#setting-the-selected-date"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Setting the selected date </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Changing the datepicker colors </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#date-validation"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Date validation </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Input and change events </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Disabling parts of the datepicker </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#touch-ui-mode"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Touch UI mode </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Manually opening and closing the calendar </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#internationalization"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Internationalization </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Setting the locale code </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Choosing a date implementation and date format
                settings </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Customizing the parse and display formats </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#customizing-the-calendar-header"
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Customizing the calendar header </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#localizing-labels-and-messages"
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Localizing labels and messages </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#highlighting-specific-dates"
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Highlighting specific dates </a><a
                _ngcontent-lwx-c20="" href="/components/datepicker/overview#accessibility"
                class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Accessibility </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Keyboard interaction </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                href="/components/datepicker/overview#troubleshooting" class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted">
                Troubleshooting </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Error: MatDatepicker: No provider found for
                DateAdapter/MAT_DATE_FORMATS </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Error: A MatDatepicker can only be associated with a
                single input </a><a _ngcontent-lwx-c20=""
                class="docs-level-h4 docs-link ng-star-inserted"> Error: Attempted to open an MatDatepicker with no
                associated input. </a></nav>

When I try to run this code, the console prints <table-of-contents> is not a known element


  • So for those who are running into a similar situation, I'm posting the solution below which was to create the component yourself. I inspected angular material and rebuilt it.

    Here is the HTML code you will need:

    <div class="tableOfContentContainer">
      <div class="tableOfContent docs-toc-container">
        <div class="docs-toc-heading">Contents</div>
          <a href="/components/list/overview#simple-lists" class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted">Simple lists</a>
          <a href="/components/list/overview#navigation-lists" class="docs-level-h3 docs-link ng-star-inserted">Navigation lists</a>

    Here is the associated CSS:

        padding-top: 1em;
        padding-left: 2em;
        position: fixed;
    .docs-toc-container {
        border-left: 4px solid #3f51b5;
        font-weight: 700;
    a {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: #737373;
        font-weight: 400 !important;
        color: #3f51b5;
        padding: 5px 0 10px 10px;
        font-size: 13px;

    And that should be all that you need. There might be some styling missing as my project has a lot of other css styling. So good luck everyone and I hope this helps!