I fetch data and display in a tableView, the problem is the data is not executing in the correct order.
I have tried:
for case let child as DataSnapshot in data!.children.reversed() {
let newDispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
let commentID = child.key
let uid = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "UID").value as! String
let commentText = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "Comment").value!
let timeStamp = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "timeStamp").value!
let date = ConvertDate(mediaTimestamp: timeStamp as! Double).getDate!
//print(date, "dsfsdafdasfdsafdsahjkfhfdsafsajkadhffdsfsafsasjkfhsdajkhfdsajkhfjklads")
ref.child("users2").child(uid).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
print(snapshot, "dshjkfhjkadhfsjkfhsdajkhfdsajkhfjklads")
print(date, "dsfsdafdasfdsafdsahjkfhfdsafsajkadhffdsfsafsasjkfhsdajkhfdsajkhfjklads")
let username = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "username").value
let profileImage = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "profileImage").value
let newUser = User(theuserID: uid, theUsername: username as! String, theprofImage: profileImage as! String)
let newComment = Comment(newUser: newUser, text: commentText as! String, timeStamp: date, NcommentID: commentID)
newDispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main, execute: {
print(self.totalComments, "COgfdsdfgfdsgdsfgdfsgfdsgdfsgdskj", self.commentsVC1.arrayOfComments.count)
if self.totalComments == self.commentsVC1.arrayOfComments.count {
But it did not work either, the order in which the second firebase calls execute is incorrect.
I solved with this:
for case let child as DataSnapshot in snap.children.reversed() {
let commentID = child.key
let uid = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "UID").value as! String
let commentText = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "Comment").value!
let timeStamp = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "timeStamp").value!
let date = ConvertDate(mediaTimestamp: timeStamp as! Double).getDate!
let newUser = User(theuserID: uid)
let newComment = Comment(newUser: newUser, text: commentText as! String, timeStamp: date, NcommentID: commentID)
ref.child("users2").child(uid).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let username = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "username").value
let profileImage = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "profileImage").value
let newUserIner = User(theuserID: uid, theUsername: username as! String, theprofImage: profileImage as! String)
newComment.user = newUserIner
if self.totalComments == self.commentsVC1.arrayOfComments.count {
I would use dispatch group here though so one does not have have to check if its done unnecessarily.