I need help with a SQL query for room within an android app. There is a table questions. This table has 3 columns:
id question id_sub_cateory
Furthermore there is table_sub_categories with folloing columns:
id sub_category id_category
And table_categories:
id category id_subject
Additionally there is a table_subject:
id subject id_questionnaire
Last but not least table_questionnaire:
id questionnaire
Now I would like to have a SQL query to get following information:
table_questionnaire.id table_questionnaire.questionnaire questionCount subjectCount
So basically a list which lists all questionnaires with number of questions and subjects included. What would be the SQL query for that?
EDIT: So far I have used this query:
SELECT table_questionnaire.id AS 'id', table_questionnaire.questionnaire_name AS 'name', " +
"COUNT(table_question.id_questionnaire) AS 'questionCount', COUNT(DISTINCT table_question.subject) AS 'subjectCount' " +
"FROM table_questionnaire " +
"LEFT JOIN table_question ON table_questionnaire.id = table_question.id_questionnaire GROUP BY table_questionnaire.id"
But this one is an old version because I saved each question with an ID of questionnaire, subject, category and sub_category. I recognized that this information is redundant. Now I save only the ID of sub_category. But now I have to change the query. I just don't know how!?
This is the query which works:
table_sub_categories.id AS 'id_sub_category',
COUNT(id_category) AS 'questionsCount'
FROM table_question
LEFT JOIN table_sub_categories ON table_question.id_sub_category = table_sub_categories.id
LEFT JOIN table_categories ON table_categories.id = id_category
WHERE table_categories.id_subject = :subjectID
GROUP BY table_categories.id