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Javascript Filepicker not loading in Filemaker Pro Webviewer

I can get my Filestack Filepicker to load in a simple HTMl document, but then when I move that exact code into my Filemaker Webviewer it doesnt work. From everything I have read this should be doable in a Filemaker Webviewer. What am I missing??

I believe I have tried everything obvious here.

here is my simple code (I removed my API key - but again it worked fine as a html doc in Chrome).

Html that works:

   <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
         const client = filestack.init('APIKEYWASHERE');

And here was my FMP Webviewer code:

    Let( [  

    html = "
          <script  type='text/javascript' src=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>
            <script type='text/javascript' >
               const client = filestack.init('APIKEYWASHERE');

    ]; "data:text/html," & html)

Just shows up as a totally blank window.


  • I solved this after some deep digging and a consult from a friend. Needed a polyfill, which I found several that didnt work until finally the one in the code here that did. I also needed to have these loading before the call to load the Filepicker JS. Bottom line - IE11 is not your friend. Here is the code that worked in IE...

       <script src=""></script>
       <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
             const client = filestack.init('my API KEY');