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While parsing text using Sprache, can I determine the current index within the original string?

I have Sprache set up to parse an Equation that has a number of different possible method calls in it. After it resolves the method, is there a way to determine the index values within the original string? Perhaps the Parse has a "current index" value and "length" value that's somehow accessible?

Example input string:

IndexOf("fred", 2) + IndexOf("bob")

using a parser like this...

Parser<Expression> FunctionCall = from namePart in Parse.Letter.Many().Text()
                       from lparen in Parse.Char('(')
                       from expr in Parameter.DelimitedBy(ListDelimiter)
                       from rparen in Parse.Char(')')
                       select CallMethod(namePart, Enumerable.Repeat(sourceData, 1)

Can anyone think of a "trick" that would allow me to determine that the first CallMethod handles SubString(0, 18), and the second CallMethod handles SubString(21, 14) from the original string?


  • I've managed to answer my own question. It's the Positioned() parser extension call that allows a parser to track the position within the original text.

      Parser<Expression> FunctionCall = (from namePart in Parse.Letter.Many().Text()
                                from lparen in Parse.Char('(')
                                from expr in Parameter.DelimitedBy(ListDelimiter)
                                from rparen in Parse.Char(')')
                                select new MethodPosAware(namePart, expr)).Positioned()
                                .Select(x => CallMethod(x.Value, Enumerable.Repeat(sourceData, 1)
                                            x.Pos.Pos, x.Length));

    I had to make a new MethodPosAware class to keep the position information, that derives from Sprache's IPositionAware:

    class MethodPosAware : IPositionAware<MethodPosAware>
        public MethodPosAware(string methodName, IEnumerable<Expression> parameters)
            Value = methodName;
            Params = parameters;
        public MethodPosAware SetPos(Position startPos, int length)
            Pos = startPos;
            Length = length;
            return this;
        public Position Pos { get; set; }
        public int Length { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Expression> Params { get; set; }

    I think I'll be extending this further to work with more than just Method names, but this is sufficient to answer my question for now. I hope this helps someone down the road.