I have Sprache set up to parse an Equation that has a number of different possible method calls in it. After it resolves the method, is there a way to determine the index values within the original string? Perhaps the Parse has a "current index" value and "length" value that's somehow accessible?
Example input string:
IndexOf("fred", 2) + IndexOf("bob")
using a parser like this...
Parser<Expression> FunctionCall = from namePart in Parse.Letter.Many().Text()
from lparen in Parse.Char('(')
from expr in Parameter.DelimitedBy(ListDelimiter)
from rparen in Parse.Char(')')
select CallMethod(namePart, Enumerable.Repeat(sourceData, 1)
Can anyone think of a "trick" that would allow me to determine that the first CallMethod handles SubString(0, 18), and the second CallMethod handles SubString(21, 14) from the original string?
I've managed to answer my own question. It's the Positioned() parser extension call that allows a parser to track the position within the original text.
Parser<Expression> FunctionCall = (from namePart in Parse.Letter.Many().Text()
from lparen in Parse.Char('(')
from expr in Parameter.DelimitedBy(ListDelimiter)
from rparen in Parse.Char(')')
select new MethodPosAware(namePart, expr)).Positioned()
.Select(x => CallMethod(x.Value, Enumerable.Repeat(sourceData, 1)
x.Pos.Pos, x.Length));
I had to make a new MethodPosAware class to keep the position information, that derives from Sprache's IPositionAware:
class MethodPosAware : IPositionAware<MethodPosAware>
public MethodPosAware(string methodName, IEnumerable<Expression> parameters)
Value = methodName;
Params = parameters;
public MethodPosAware SetPos(Position startPos, int length)
Pos = startPos;
Length = length;
return this;
public Position Pos { get; set; }
public int Length { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Expression> Params { get; set; }
I think I'll be extending this further to work with more than just Method names, but this is sufficient to answer my question for now. I hope this helps someone down the road.