A question on The Workplace mentioned a company that explicitly banned code comments: https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/140843/my-current-job-follows-worst-practices-how-can-i-talk-about-my-experience-in with the explanation being:
my PM says it's not worth the disk space.
This made me really curious: disk space right now is cheap, on the order of pennies per gigabyte. Would you really save all that much money on disk space if you completely removed all comments from your code?
In view in the wide variety of circumstance in which coding is done, I suppose that the cost of a byte of storage space must vary quite a bit. There is, however, no doubt that it must be extremely low for something like comments. On the other hand, the cost of uncommented code is huge: it is bug-prone, a nightmare to understand and nearly impossible to maintain.
Anyway, I Googled "cost of disk storage" and got $0.025 per GB for a 4 TB Seagate ST4000DM005...