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How to inject a Retrofit object directly into a repository class?

I want to inject a Retrofit object directly into my MyRepository class but I always get a NullPointerException. This is what I have tried.

This is my AppModule class:

public class AppModule {
    static Retrofit provideRetrofitInstance(){
        return new Retrofit.Builder()

And this is my view model class:

public class MyViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
    LiveData<Data> myLiveData;

    MyViewModel(Application application, City city) {
        myLiveData = myRepository.addDataToLiveData(city);

    LiveData<Data> getLiveData() {
        return myLiveData;

And this is my repository class where I want to inject Retofit:

public class MyRepository {
    private String myTex;
    private Retrofit retrofit;

    public MyRepository(String myText) {
        this.myText = myText;

    LiveData<Data> addDataToLiveData(City city) {
        //Make api call using retrofit


This is how I instantiate my ViewModel in my activity class:

MyRepository repository = new MyRepository("MyText");
Application application = activity.getApplication();
MyViewModelFactory factory = new MyViewModelFactory(application, repository);
MyViewModel viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, factory).get(MyViewModel.class);


  • Making your Repository injectable is the simplest solution, which also allows you to inject it where it's used, in your ViewModels or Interactors:

    public class MyRepository {
        private Retrofit retrofit;
        public MyRepository(Retrofit retrofit) {
            this.retrofit = retrofit;
        LiveData<Data> addDataToLiveData(City city) {
            //Make api call using retrofit

    Edit: you can either provide the text via Dagger and inject that in your constructor, like this

    public MyRepository(String myText, Retrofit retrofit)

    Note that you'd need to use @Named or @Qualifier for your string.

    Alternatively, you can inject your repository calling inject(this), the syntax depends on how you setup Dagger


    I strongly suggest you go with the 1st solution.