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Handling a domain exception happened during template evaluation

I'm designing an error page for a particular exception type.


I am using OmniFaces and their exception factory to handle errors.


AbstractConfigurable is a domain class and its instance is being created during template evaluation*. The constructor of AbstractConfigurable may throw an AbstractConfigurableNotFoundException. When it does, this exception gets wrapped into template-specific exceptions as a cause.

    Caused by: javax.faces.view.facelets.TagAttributeException
         Caused by: com.sun.faces.mgbean.ManagedBeanCreationException
                   Caused by: xxx.AbstractConfigurableNotFoundException

As a result, a different exception type comes out and my <error-page> logic isn't applied.

Obviously, I don't want to handle, javax.faces.view.facelets.TagAttributeException


but I'd like to handle any exception with an AbstractConfigurableNotFoundException as a cause.

Is there anything I can do about it?


  • The FullAjaxExceptionHandler supports a context parameter to set fully qualified names of exception types to unwrap. Below is an extract of relevance from its documentation:


    By default only FacesException and ELException are unwrapped. You can supply a context parameter "org.omnifaces.EXCEPTION_TYPES_TO_UNWRAP" to specify additional exception types to unwrap. The context parameter value must be a commaseparated string of fully qualified names of additional exception types. Note that this also covers subclasses of specified exception types.


    This context parameter will also be read and used by FacesExceptionFilter.

    So, in your specific case you could use the following configuration in web.xml:


    Note that javax.faces.view.facelets.TagAttributeException extends from FacesException, which is by default already unwrapped, so you don't really need to specify this along.