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How do you test routes with middleware('auth:api')?

I'm writing some unit tests for a project I am working on and I can't seem to test posting as a logged in user.

I have tried adding a bearer token to the env file, this worked when on my machine, but fails with buddyworks running the tests after pushing.

 public function test_orders_route_authenticated_user () {

        $data =
                "orderID": "001241",
                "sku": "123456",
                "quantity": 9,
                "pricePerUnit": 78,
                "priceTotal": 702

        $this->user = factory(User::class)->create();;

        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            ])->json('POST', 'api/products',[



So this code gives me error 500. I have managed to get error 401 and 500, but never the intended status 200. Please help


  • As mentioned in the Passport documentation you can use Passport::actingAs(...):

    public function test_orders_route_authenticated_user()
        $data = [
            'orderID'      => '001241',
            'sku'          => '123456',
            'quantity'     => 9,
            'pricePerUnit' => 78,
            'priceTotal'   => 702,
        $this->json('post', 'api/products', $data)->assertStatus(200);