Trying to remove white space rows in an image:
I tried :
convert image_name.png -chop 110x170 + 240x300 chopped.png
as pixels 110-170 and 240-300 need to be cut. The resulting image should retain all sub images with little white space. I am very open to suggestions, also beyond imagemagic, as long as it can be done in the terminal and to multiple image batches.
I think you mean this:
convert kernel.png -chop x60+0+240 -chop x60+0+110 result.png
The syntax is:
as I didn't specify the width, it chops the whole lot. I worked out the height by subtracting 110 from 170 to give 60. The x-offset is zero because I am cutting the entire width and the y-offset is 110 because that's the distance from the top.
Note that I did 2 separate chops, one for each chunk of white-space to be removed.
Note that I did the lower chop first because the image is "shuffled up" to fill the gaps, so if you start at the bottom, each chop only shuffles stuff that will be unaffected by subsequent chops.