Search code examples

Can't get all order items & keep getting orders lines which have sub-components

Hi I hope someone can help me or give me a clue on a SQL query I need to develop a Pick List report in Crystal Report 2008. The following query on displays order lines of items which have sub-components of a parent part and NOT order lines of items which are not sub-components and just stand alone items. We need all order lines to be displayed. Can someone please assist with this?

SELECT "SorMaster"."SalesOrder",
FROM("SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."InvMaster" "InvMaster"
     INNER JOIN((((("SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."SorDetail" "SorDetail"
                    INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."InvWarehouse" "InvWarehouse" ON ("SorDetail"."MStockCode" = "InvWarehouse"."StockCode")
                                                                                   AND ("SorDetail"."MWarehouse" = "InvWarehouse"."Warehouse"))
                   INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."SorMaster" "SorMaster" ON "SorDetail"."SalesOrder" = "SorMaster"."SalesOrder")
                  INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."BomStructure" "BomStructure" ON "SorDetail"."MStockCode" = "BomStructure"."ParentPart")
                 INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."CusSorMaster+" "CusSorMaster_" ON "SorMaster"."SalesOrder" = "CusSorMaster_"."SalesOrder")
                FULL OUTER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."ArCustomer" "ArCustomer" ON "SorMaster"."Customer" = "ArCustomer"."Customer")ON "InvMaster"."StockCode" = "BomStructure"."Component")
    LEFT OUTER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."BomNarration" "BomNarration" ON "BomStructure"."AutoNarrCode" = "BomNarration"."NarrationNum"
WHERE ("SorDetail"."LineType" = '1'
    OR "SorDetail"."LineType" = '7')
ORDER BY "SorMaster"."SalesOrder",


  • Your problem is the JOIN on BomStructure as you want the items that are not in this table. You can try stg like this but I am a bit scared about the performances :

    SELECT "SorMaster"."SalesOrder",
    --- ... No change between these lines ...
                    "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."SorDetail" "SorDetail"
                    INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."InvWarehouse" "InvWarehouse" ON ("SorDetail"."MStockCode" = "InvWarehouse"."StockCode") AND ("SorDetail"."MWarehouse" = "InvWarehouse"."Warehouse")
                    INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."SorMaster" "SorMaster" ON "SorDetail"."SalesOrder" = "SorMaster"."SalesOrder"
                    INNER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."CusSorMaster+" "CusSorMaster_" ON "SorMaster"."SalesOrder" = "CusSorMaster_"."SalesOrder"
                    INNER JOIN (
                        SELECT  InvMaster.Code AS Component, InvMaster.Description, BomStructure.QtyPer, BomNarration.Narration, ISNULL(BomStructure.ParentPart, InvMaster.StockCode) AS ParentOrOrphan
                        FROM    "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."InvMaster" "InvMaster" 
                                LEFT JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."BomStructure" ON "BomStructure"."Component" = "InvMaster"."StockCode"
                                LEFT JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."BomNarration" "BomNarration" ON "BomStructure"."AutoNarrCode" = "BomNarration"."NarrationNum"
                        ) tmpBom ON "SorDetail"."MStockCode" = tmpBom.ParentOrOrphan
            FULL OUTER JOIN "SysproCompanyT"."dbo"."ArCustomer" "ArCustomer" ON "SorMaster"."Customer" = "ArCustomer"."Customer"
    WHERE ("SorDetail"."LineType" = '1' OR "SorDetail"."LineType" = '7')
    -- TO BE REPLACED BY : WHERE ("SorDetail"."LineType" IN ('1', '7')
    ORDER BY "SorMaster"."SalesOrder",