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Sub grouping the data and using macro inside a loop to draw a histogram

I am using sas 9.4

I have a dataset 10000x7 looks like this

survtime cont Trial SurvI Treat PatID Sim
1 2.271536 2.6398586 1 1 0 1 1
2 2.920410 -0.1787789 1 1 0 2 1
3 1.328392 -2.1513527 1 1 0 3 1
4 11.433881 2.2132001 1 1 0 4 1
5 20.264126 0.9029487 1 0 1 5 1
6 19.827590 0.3236216 1 0 1 6 1

last column is 'Sim' take values 1 to 10 and changes every 1000 times, like 1 to 1000 sim=1 1001 to 2000 sim=2 . . 9001 to 10000 sim=10

and then I have a macro


I want to run this macro for each sim value and get two values TAU and R2

I like to clear a point let's say there is no 'sim', only 1000x6 I can get those values

proc print data=sur_measure_clay ;

with running that code.

now I have 10 of them, I can do by hand but I will have 100 of them to draw a histogram I want to run keep those 2 values to get a histogram plot. 'data=sur_measure_clay' is a default name comes from macro. Thank you


  • In my opinion, the proper way to do this task will be to modify your macro to do histograms through your whole dataset. Assuming macro %NORMSURV works as described by you, it can be done as below:

    /*  there is no need to use proc sql
    if you know how much of iteration do you have */
    proc sql noprint;
        select distinct max(sim)  
            into : max_iter 
            from prostate;
    %put Maximum value of Sim Variable : &max_iter;

    Then you can put your macro inside another loop

    %macro sim_iterate;
        %do iter  =  1 %to &max_iter;
            data tmp;
                set prostate;
                    where sim = &max_iter;
            /* Run your instructions */