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Adding Lottie Animation in iOS

I'm new to Lottie library and trying to integrate a simple animation. I have my animated json at folder Resources->Json->LottieAnimations->checkMark.json

I have installed Lottie via pod install and its current version is 3.1.0. In my storyboard I have added a view and gave the class name as AnimationView and in the interface builder gave the Animation Name as "checkMark".

This is the outlet

@IBOutlet weak var checkMarkAnimationView: AnimationView!

And on viewDidLoad I just call

But nothing happens here. Am I missing something?


  • You need to do something like this (if in the code):

     let view = AnimationView()
        let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "checkMark",
                                    ofType: "json") ?? ""
        view.animation = Animation.filepath(path)

    if doesn't work, please check animation name or JSON file


    also check is JSON file added in Bundle resources (Build phases -> Copy Bundle Resources)