I have the following code
NumIterations = 10000000;
i, j : Integer;
x : array[1..100] of Double;
Start : Cardinal;
S : Double;
for i := Low(x) to High(x) do x[i] := i;
Start := GetTickCount;
for i := 1 to NumIterations do S := System.Math.Sum(x);
ShowMessage('Math.Sum: ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - Start));
Start := GetTickCount;
for i := 1 to NumIterations do begin
S := 0;
for j := Low(x) to High(x) do S := S + x[j];
ShowMessage('Simple Sum: ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - Start));
When compiled for Win32 Math.Sum is considerably faster than the simple loop, as Math.Sum is written in Assembler and uses four-fold loop unrolling.
But when compiled for Win64, Math.Sum is considerably slower than the simple loop, because in 64-bit Math.Sum uses Kahan summation. This is an optimization for accuracy minimizing pile-up of errors during the summation process, but is considerably slower than even the simple loop.
I.e. when compiling for Win32 I get code optimized for speed, when compiling the same code for Win64 I get code optimized for accuracy. This is not exactly what I naively would expect.
Is there any sensible reason for this difference between Win32/64? Double is always 8 byte, so the accuracy should be identical in Win32/64.
Is Math.Sum still implemented identically (Assembler and loop unrolling in Win32, Kahan summation in Win64) in current versions of Delphi? I use Delphi-XE5.
Is Math.Sum still implemented identically (Assembler and loop unrolling in Win32, Kahan summation in Win64) in current versions of Delphi? I use Delphi-XE5.
Yes (Delphi 10.3.2).
Is there any sensible reason for this difference between Win32/64? Double is always 8 byte, so the accuracy should be identical in Win32/64.
32-bit Delphi for Win32 uses the old FPU, while the 64-bit compiler uses SSE instructions. When the 64-bit compiler was introduced in XE2, many of the old assembly routines was not ported to 64-bit. Instead, some routines were ported with similar functionality as other modern compilers.
You can enhance the 64-bit implementation a bit by introducing a Kahan summation function:
program TestKahanSum;
function KahanSum(const input : TArray<Double>): Double;
sum,c,y,t : Double;
i : Integer;
sum := 0.0;
c := 0.0;
for i := Low(input) to High(input) do begin
y := input[i] - c;
t := sum + y;
c := (t - sum) - y;
sum := t;
Result := sum;
dArr : TArray<Double>;
res : Double;
i : Integer;
sw : TStopWatch;
for i := 0 to High(dArr) do dArr[i] := Pi;
sw := TStopWatch.StartNew;
res := Math.Sum(dArr);
WriteLn('Math.Sum:',res,' [ms]:',sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
sw := TStopWatch.StartNew;
res := KahanSum(dArr);
WriteLn('KahanSum:',res,' [ms]:',sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
sw := TStopWatch.StartNew;
res := 0;
for i := 0 to High(dArr) do res := res + dArr[i];
WriteLn('NaiveSum:',res,' [ms]:',sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Math.Sum: 3.14159265358979E+0008 [ms]:492
KahanSum: 3.14159265358979E+0008 [ms]:359
NaiveSum: 3.14159265624272E+0008 [ms]:246
Math.Sum: 3.14159265358957E+0008 [ms]:67
KahanSum: 3.14159265358979E+0008 [ms]:958
NaiveSum: 3.14159265624272E+0008 [ms]:277
Pi with 15 digits is 3.14159265358979
The 32-bit math assembly routine is accurate to 13 digits in this example, while the 64-bit math routine is accurate to 15 digits.
The 64 bit implementation is slower (by a factor of two compared to a naive summation), but more accurate than the 32-bit math routine.
Introducing an enhanced Kahan summation routine improves performance by 35%.