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change fileinput progress bar color to gradient in R shiny

Having trouble for adding a gradient color to my fileinput progress bar.

Right now, I was able to change the color of the progress bar from a regular blue to something else using the code provided here. Colour of progress bar in fileInput -- Shiny

ui <- fluidPage(


    fileInput(inputId = "fileInp", label = "Input file:",multiple = FALSE,
               accept = c(


  server <- function(input, output){


  shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)

##also tried replacing background color with code from but no luck :

  background-color: linear-gradient(to right, red , yellow);

However, what I want is to have gradient just like this


  • To set a gradient in CSS, the property is background-image, not background-color. You also have to set the background-size to auto, otherwise it is set to 40px 40px and the progress bar is striped. Here is the CSS:

          ".progress-bar {
              background-image: linear-gradient(to right, red , yellow) !important;
              background-size: auto !important;