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Conditional jsonpath expressions not working in groovy script, jmeter

Conditional jsonpath expression: 
    $.[?(@.identifier == "369")]..columns.[?(@.type == "relationship")].token
  • Problem 01: groovy script in jsr233 post processor not parsing the jsonpath expression.
  • Problem 02: I need to loop identifier value in groovy or beanshell and fetch multiple array.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

JsonSlurper slurper = new JsonSlurper()
Map parsedJson = slurper.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString())

//String idval = parsedJson.sections[1].id

//String idval = parsedJson.[?(@.identifier == "369")]..columns.[?(@.type == "relationship")].token //trail 01 -failed at .[

String idval = parsedJson./[?(@.identifier == "369")]/..columns./[?(@.type == "relationship")]/.token  //trail 02 -no such property: columns for class""+idval);


  • You cannot use JSON Path expressions with the JsonSlurper, consider either using find()/ findAll() functions on the returned collection or moving to JsonPath instead

    def idval =, '?($..sections[@.identifier == "369")]..columns.[?(@.type == "relationship")]')

    More information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It