I'm trying to use praw on pythonanywhere to natively upload an image to reddit.
praw.models.Subreddit.submit_image(title, image_path)
This works fine on my computer, but on pythonanywhere it throws a 403 error. (The image still gets uploaded though.)
I see on pythonanywhere's website that 403 errors are due to their proxy whitelist, but reddit is one of the whitelisted websites and praw uses requests
which pythonanywhere says is a compatible library. Also the regular submit
works fine.
File "/home/ibid/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/praw/models/reddit/subreddit.py", line 780, in submit_image
return self._submit_media(data, timeout)
File "/home/ibid/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/praw/models/reddit/subreddit.py", line 494, in _submit_media
response["json"]["data"]["websocket_url"], timeout=timeout
File "/home/ibid/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/websocket/_core.py", line 514, in create_connection
websock.connect(url, **options)
File "/home/ibid/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/websocket/_core.py", line 223, in connect
options.pop('socket', None))
File "/home/ibid/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/websocket/_http.py", line 122, in connect
sock = _tunnel(sock, hostname, port, auth)
File "/home/ibid/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/websocket/_http.py", line 293, in _tunnel
"failed CONNECT via proxy status: %r" % status)
websocket._exceptions.WebSocketProxyException: failed CONNECT via proxy status: 403
I wrote the image-submit feature in PRAW. As is noted in the documentation, the Reddit API uses websockets when submitting images or videos through the API. This is different from how the API works for text or link submissions, which directly return the URL of the created post. When it comes to images and videos, the response is something like
{'json': {'data': {'user_submitted_page': 'https://www.reddit.com/user/username/submitted/',
'websocket_url': 'wss://ws-05ba9e4989f78959d.wss.redditmedia.com/rte_images/z4a98g21vsb31?m=AQAAHFs1XR-NRjAq9D4PPYA6SuDvFIMUGGv2Vpv5ePM2bLV6wf5o'},
'errors': []}}
We then have to listen on the websocket URL to eventually get the url of the created post. If you're interested, the relevant code is here.
As you found, the websocket URLs (at least at the time of this answer) tend to be a subdomain of *.wss.redditmedia.com
. redditmedia.com
isn't on the PythonAnywhere whitelist (though reddit.com
itself is), so the connection fails.
I see a few solutions for you, given here with what I think is most ideal first:
to disable the use of websockets. As noted in the documentation of submit_image
, setting this to True
means that you won't get a return value at all.try
block around every use of submit_image
. As you discovered, the posts will still be created. However, you will not receive a Submission
object as a return value because the websocket will fail.