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How to skip empty .xls cells in loop : XLRD (Python)

I'm reading an .xls file and parsing columns by cells and checking them against web elements on amazon orders using xlrd. Everything seems to work fine until the .xls file contains an empty cell. Then the empty cell is parsed and is then "found" as a web element.

from selenium import webdriver
import xlrd

sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
sheet.cell_value(0, 0)
for i in range(sheet.nrows):
    po = (sheet.cell_value(i, 3))
    tracking = (sheet.cell_value(i, 10))
    if driver.find_elements_by_link_text(po):
        print("FOUND!!!!", po)

The xls file looks like this: (For simplicity sake, I only used 2 columns)

|   |        Col3         |        col10       |
| 1 | 111-6955555-7777777 | 1Z1E199A4209992999 |
| 2 |                     | 775746666666       |
| 3 | 2008999             |                    |
| 4 | 111-5855555-7777777 | 1Z1E199E4207772696 |

The order numbers for amazon start with 111- in this case. The smaller order number is for another site but it's fine because it's not found as a web element. The problem is the blank cells in col3, because they are parsed and ARE found as a web element.

Column 10 is used to find the tracking number associated with the corresponding cell that is found as an web element. Blank cells are fine here because all amazon orders will have a corresponding tracking number with it.


  • I finally figured this out. The code looks like this:

    sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
    sheet.cell_value(0, 0)
    for i in range(sheet.nrows):
        cell = sheet.cell(i, 3)
        cty = cell.ctype
        if cty == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY:
            po = (sheet.cell_value(i, 3))
            tracking = (sheet.cell_value(i, 10))
            if driver.find_elements_by_link_text(po):
                print("FOUND!!!!", po)