Using koin-2.0.1 for Android testing and unable to test all 3 test together though each test passes separately.
class NumberFormatterUtilImplTest : KoinTest {
private val numberFormatterUtil: NumberFormatterUtilImpl by inject()
fun setUp() {
startKoin { modules(utilsModule) }
fun `does formatter returns two digit faction if supplied one digit value`() {
val result = numberFormatterUtil.getAdjustedCurrencyRate(18.0)
Assert.assertEquals(result, 18.00, 1.0)
fun `does formatter returns two digit faction if supplied multiple digits value`() {
val result = numberFormatterUtil.getAdjustedCurrencyRate(18.12343)
Assert.assertEquals(result, 18.12, 1.0)
fun `does formatter returns rounded two digit faction if supplied multiple digits value`() {
val result = numberFormatterUtil.getAdjustedCurrencyRate(18.12876)
Assert.assertEquals(result, 18.13, 1.0)
running class level testing resulting below:
org.koin.core.error.KoinAppAlreadyStartedException: A Koin Application has already been started
any input would be helpful, thanks.
As an alternative to the @After
approach, you can also use AutoCloseKoinTest
. As described in the docs:
Extended Koin Test - embed autoclose @after method to close Koin after every test
Instead of extending KoinTest
, you can extend AutoCloseKoinTest
and it will do the after test for you.