I had been following this guide for how to convert a key-value dictionary to a dataframe in R using rjson
, but I can't seem to get it to work with my data:
{"tagid":493,"name":"Early Access","count":75}
Doesn't seem to want to parse into a dataframe because of the character values for the name
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : unexpected character '''
I'm using the same code as the example I linked to:
Lines <- readLines("clipboard")
json_df <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(Lines, fromJSON)))
Is there a way to do a similar conversion of the dictionary data to a data frame here if there's character data?
Edit: the following script is what I'm using to generate the data:
webpage <- read_html("https://store.steampowered.com/app/387290")
data <- html_nodes(webpage, css = "script") %>% html_text()
tag_data <- data[lapply(data,function(x) length(grep("InitAppTagModal",x,value=FALSE))) == 1]
tag_data <- regmatches(tag_data, gregexpr("[?<=\\[].*?[?=\\]]", tag_data, perl=T))[[1]][1]
tag_data <- gsub('[', "", tag_data, fixed = TRUE)
tag_data <- gsub(']', "", tag_data, fixed = TRUE)
tag_data <- gsub("},{", "}\n{", tag_data, fixed = TRUE)
writeLines(tag_data, con = "temp.json", sep = "\n")
tag_df <- stream_in(file("temp.json"))
I put your example data into a json file. And I named it test.json
myoutput <- stream_in(file("test.json"))
tagid name count browseable
1 493 Early Access 75 NA
2 599 Simulation 68 TRUE
3 1755 Space 64 TRUE