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Web Service URL for a ESXi Server

I am trying to run the Java samples from Vsphere Web Services SDK and for many of them it requires URL of the Web Service. What is it for an ESXI Server and How to find it?

I have already tried with url as "https://esxiIP/sdk/vimService.wsdl"

Following Error occurs whenever I am trying to run a sample


ERROR: could not connect: login fault : The server sent HTTP status code 400: Bad Request

com.vmware.connection.SsoConnection$SSOLoginException: could not connect: login fault : The server sent HTTP status code 400: Bad Request at com.vmware.connection.SsoConnection.connect( at com.vmware.connection.ConnectedVimServiceBase.connect( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.vmware.common.samples.registry.ActionReference.invoke( at com.vmware.common.samples.registry.ActionReference.invokeAction( at com.vmware.common.samples.registry.ActionReference.action( at at at at com.vmware.common.Main.sampleSwitching( at com.vmware.common.Main.registeredSample( at com.vmware.common.Main.main( ............................................................................

I think this is occurring because of malformed URL only..


  • Should be https://esxiIP/sdk for the root URL.

    Additional information can be found in the SDK programming guide: