I'm trying to build a site offline and had logged in with the intention of creating a child theme but a number of errors appeared.
I have tried adding the following line to the php.ini: "pcre.jit=0"
This is the error displayed:
Warning in ./libraries/classes/Util.php#1425 preg_replace(): JIT compilation failed: no more memory
./libraries/classes/Util.php#1425: preg_replace( string '/\.?0+$/', string '', string '48.0', ) ./libraries/classes/Util.php#1295: PhpMyAdmin\Util::formatNumber( double 48.0, integer 5, integer 1, boolean true, ) ./libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/DatabaseStructureController.php#1127: PhpMyAdmin\Util::formatByteDown( double 48.0, integer 3, integer 1, ) ./libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/DatabaseStructureController.php#1006: PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\DatabaseStructureController->getValuesForInnodbTable( array, integer 49152, ) ./libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/DatabaseStructureController.php#438: PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\DatabaseStructureController->getStuffForEngineTypeTable( array, integer 0, integer 0, ) ./libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/DatabaseStructureController.php#195: PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\DatabaseStructureController->displayTableList() ./db_structure.php#38: PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Database\DatabaseStructureController->indexAction()
If you use MAMP you should find "$YourMampDir/php/etc/php.ini" file. Open it, and seek:
; Enables or disables JIT compilation of patterns. This requires the PCRE
; library to be compiled with JIT support.
; pcre.jit=1
you should edit it to:
; Enables or disables JIT compilation of patterns. This requires the PCRE
; library to be compiled with JIT support.
Don't forget to reload your Apache Web Server. After that, the error should be gone.