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How to split a single audio file into multiple files?

I want to split a single audio file into multiple audio files using python and save them, the peaks in file is separated by silence. The audio file contains 5 A's

The waveform is given below: Waveform

I have tried librosa library and pydub codes for the same Also i have referred to this link:

But it is cutting file into 1 second equal interval and i don't want that. I want to split the file on basis of silence

import librosa as l
from import wavfile
audio = l.load("D:/Downloads/Voice_a.wav")[0]
x = l.effects.trim(audio, top_db = 50)[0]

expected output is 5 different files each with a single 'A'


  • I did some research and finally got the answer

    def split(filepath):
        sound = AudioSegment.from_wav(filepath)
        dBFS = sound.dBFS
        chunks = split_on_silence(sound, 
            min_silence_len = 500,
            silence_thresh = dBFS-16)
        return chunks