When i try to change format of str to date time , i face ValueError,
this may simple problem but cant find solution on google or stackoverflow too , i found some solution about 'z' is bad directive in format but not '%' one
current_session.date = datetime.strptime('2019-06-16 00:02', '%Y-%B-%d% %H:%M')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rambod/PycharmProjects/mailWatcher/smtpINWatcher.py", line 92, in <module>
current_session.date = datetime.strptime('2019-06-16 00:02', '%Y-%B-%d% %H:%M')
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/_strptime.py", line 577, in _strptime_datetime
tt, fraction, gmtoff_fraction = _strptime(data_string, format)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/_strptime.py", line 351, in _strptime
(bad_directive, format)) from None
ValueError: '%' is a bad directive in format '%Y-%B-%d% %H:%M'
current_session.date = datetime.strptime('2019-06-16 00:02', '%Y-%B-%d %H:%M')
(Note the removal of the extra %
after d
The above will still be incorrect because %B
is the full month name, so you should instead try:
current_session.date = datetime.strptime('2019-06-16 00:02', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')