I am trying to print the decimal, octal, hex and binary representation of a given number with format :
number = int(input())
w = len('{0:b}'.format(number))
print("{0:{w}d} {0:{w}o} {0:{w}X} {0:{w}b}".format(number))
The format that I am expecting is as below (say for input 17):
17 21 11 10001
You need to use the format_spec
keyword arguments for format(value[, format_spec])
>>> print("{text}".format(text="hello"))
Therefore in your case:
>>> number = 17
>>> w = len('{0:b}'.format(number))
>>> print("{0:{w}d} {0:{w}o} {0:{w}X} {0:{w}b}".format(number, w=w))
if you want number
variable to be replaced in the {0}
placeholder and w
variable in {w}
You can find a very similar example in the Format examples
in the documentation if you search for "nesting":
Nesting arguments and more complex examples:
>>> for align, text in zip('<^>', ['left', 'center', 'right']):
... '{0:{fill}{align}16}'.format(text, fill=align, align=align)