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Can I tell Zeppelin to use my Python env? (pyenv/venv)

I'm looking to make the switch from JupyterLab to Apache Zeppelin. One of the things that I liked about JupyterLab was that I could pipenv install jupyter, and then my Python code in the notebook was natively using my app's Python environment. This enabled me to run a shell that could talk directly to my app's models and views.

However, I like the Helium Packages (Spark/Beam/Neo4j/Bash) and Dynamic Forms of Zeppelin in comparison to the ipython widgets/ nbextensions of the Jupyter ecosystem.

How can I tell Zeppelin to use my pyenv/venv when running %python cells?

Info about my python venv:

$ pyenv activate MY_APP

$ which python

$ python
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV']

found this in /zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json of docker image apache/zeppelin:0.8.1 but struggling more than usual to map a desktop volume.

"python": {
      "id": "python",
      "name": "python",
      "group": "python",
      "properties": {
        "zeppelin.python": {
          "name": "zeppelin.python",
          "value": "python",
          "type": "string"

inside zeppelin notebook

import os

[1] '/zeppelin/interpreter/python/py4j-0.9.2/src'

I'm sure I could pull this off with %sh bash commands inside a live notebook, but is there a way I can set the python env in a zeppelin config?


  • Figure out your Python executable

    $ pyenv activate my_env
    (my_env) $ python
    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.executable

    Then navigate browser to localhost:8080/#/interpreters and search for python.

    Change zeppelin.python to the output of sys.executable

    Save + Restart zeppelin

    You'll also want to change zeppelin.pyspark.python to the same path as the spark's pyspark interpreter won't infer the path of your regular python interpreter.