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Escape single quote using fireSQL

I am using Firebase Firestore in my Angular project and lately there is a project called fireSQL to use SQL sentence query in Firestore, it's working great, but when I try to select something where my value has a single quote it just sends an error. I try to escape using all the JavaScript techniques, but nothing happens.

The error msg:


Object { message: "Expected \"!=\", \"%\", \"*\", \"+\", \"-\", \"/\", \"<\", \"<=\", \"<>\", \"=\", \">\", \">=\", \"AND\", \"GROUP\", \"LIMIT\", \"OR\", \"ORDER\", \"UNION\", WHITE_SPACE, or end of input but \"s\" found.", expected: (29) […], found: "s", location: {…}, name: "SyntaxError", stack: "" }

and the query is:

getBrandfromSub(brand, sub) {
    const fireSQL = new FireSQL(firebase.firestore());
    return fireSQL.rxQuery(`SELECT * FROM products WHERE brand = '${brand}' AND subcategory = '${sub}'`);


  • You need to escape the single quotes in the strings you are sending as SQL queries. The FireSQL source indicates that \\' is the escape sequence for '. So your code could do the following. (If you need to escape other special characters you'll need to add them to the escapeSingleQuotes() method.)

    getBrandfromSub(brand, sub) {
      const fireSQL = new FireSQL(firebase.firestore());
      return fireSQL.rxQuery(`SELECT * FROM products WHERE brand = '${this.escapeSingleQuotes(brand)}' AND subcategory = '${this.escapeSingleQuotes(sub)}'`);
    escapeSingleQuotes(s: string) {
      return s.replace("'", "\\'");