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How to set database config variables for aws ecs in circle ci config.yml?

How are you.

I am deploying go backend api to ecs using docker.

And I am using circle ci for it.

I need to set database config environment variables to run backend api, but I don't know how to set that info in circle ci.

I am initializing aws resource using terraform, do I need to set db config environment variables in terraform? or can I set it on circle ci config.yml?



  • You can define environment variables in the task definition so this will be available for your docker container in ECS.

    resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "backend-app" {
      family = "backend"
      container_definitions = <<EOF
        "portMappings": [
            "hostPort": 80,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "containerPort": 3000
                    "name": "NODE_ENV",
                     "name": "DB_HOST",
                     "value": "HOST_ADDRESS"
                    "name": "DB_PASS",
                    "value": "DB_PASSWORD"
        "cpu": 1000,
        "memory": 1000,
        "image": "***",
        "name": "backend",