I'm using virtual mode of listview to show a larg data. But I don't know how to show image for each item. Who can help me ?
I wrote
private void ListContact_RetrieveVirtualItem(object sender, RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e)
MyContact contact = ContactData.GetMyContact(e.ItemIndex);
if (e.Item == null) e.Item = new ListViewItem(contact.ToString());
if (contact.Photo != null)
e.Item.ImageList.Images.Add("" + contact.Id, contact.Photo);
e.Item.ImageKey = "" + contact.Id;
e.Item.ImageKey = "default";
But it don't work properly
This seems to be a bug in the .NET Framework (that's been marked as Won't fix). You might want to check this out. The solution would be to use ImageIndex
instead of ImageKey