In my QMenu
I have a submenu that may contain potentially hunderds of items, and it is not always used, so I am considering initalizing it only on demand:
I suspect that this can be done by implementing a QAbstractItemModel
and overriding the methods canFetchMore
Is there an easier way using some trick? I don't mind if it is a little hackish (like replacing a dummy menu after clicking it with the good one, or something like that).
A hackish way, but it works well in my initial tests, would be something like:
// menuBar->addMenu(Slow::APIMenu()); //old way
auto emptyApiMenu = new QMenu("API");
emptyApiMenu->addAction("API"); //dummy item to avoid qt warning of invisible menu
QObject::connect(emptyApiMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, [=]() //lazy initialization of API menu
menuBar->insertMenu(emptyApiMenu->menuAction(), Slow::APIMenu());
It even opens the recently spawned menu so it is seamless