Does anyone know how to enable Healthkit for an independent watchos only app ? When i go to the projects target i can't find capabilities to add to the app.
Am i missing something ?
I tried looking for it in the project but could not find anything.
From the documentation i found following information:
In the Project navigator, select the project and in the project editor, select the target.
Choose the target from the Project/Targets pop-up menu or in the Targets section of the outline view if it appears.
In the project editor, click Signing & Capabilities.
Click All or select a specific build configuration.
For example, select Debug if you want to test a capability without adding it to a release build.
Click the + Capability button (Editor > Add Capability) to open the Capability library, .
The Capability library shows only the capabilities available to the target type and your program membership. If you are not a member of the Apple Developer Program, the capabilities you can add are limited.
I think it has to do something with the last line. I have no paid membership, and in a later project got the message that not more then 10 app'id's are allowed and i have to wait 7 days. So annoying.